Formation Plan
“…you have revealed these things to the simple…”
(Lk 10:21)
What does it consist of?
Many of the newly incorporated groups in the Movement are facing the challenge of starting to fly on their own for the first time, making their initial decisions on the steps they should take to continue growing. There is no predetermined path; rather, it is up to them to create their own path, in response to the received vocation, with the inspiration of the Spirit and the accompaniment of the other groups and communities in the Movement.
The proposed initial training period in the Movement aims to provide these groups, who are starting to walk on their own, with methodological support during their first years of community functioning, so they can gain experience and learn skills that will help them grow in autonomy while consolidating their charismatic foundations.
To this end, a catalog of pre-designed training programs on topics related to specific aspects of secular Claretian identity and community life is offered as a resource. The group can select which of these topics they wish to work on and in what order, based on their needs. The pre-designed programs include the necessary material to develop the training content and a work guide to facilitate the groups’ adaptation to the planned training itinerary. Although they are grouped by thematic blocks, they are independent of each other and do not have a specific order.
The Project 3 (SURFACE) is currently in the process of material reorganization. If you need any specific material, you can request it by filling out the form at the bottom of the page. The syllabus is as follows:
The objective of this document is to present the mission of the Claretian layperson, to which we are called by God within the Mission of the Church and the Christian commitment, as laypeople.
Work Guide
To know and make our own the Universal Mission of the Church in which laypeople participate as Christians and specifically as Claretians.
Work Guide
Annex Sheets
The Great Call 1
The Great Call 2
To progressively discover what a theophany is, as well as its different characteristics, and how God manifests Himself in our lives to call us to a relationship of friendship and intimacy with Him.