Training Plan
“Come and see…”
(John 1:39)
What does it involve?
The training for incorporation into the Movement is aimed at individuals or groups who have shown interest in getting to know the Claretian lay charism better and are considering it as a vocational option.
To aid in this vocational discernment, a process of discernment is proposed, during which participants can experience the Movement from within – actively participating in its dynamics – while receiving additional basic formation on the charism and its communal dimension, guided by a companion. At the end of the process, once the interested lay person or group has had an initial and close experience that has allowed them to discover the charism, they can freely and consciously make a decision regarding their vocational response and, if desired, request definitive entry into the Movement.
How is it organised?
The discernment journey will be personalized and adapted to the profile and circumstances of the lay person or group undertaking it. Its duration will be approximately one year, although this period may vary depending on the work rhythms. In any case, the fulfillment of these three established goals, which constitute the minimum formation, will always be ensured.
To understand the foundations of the Claretian lay charism (Ideario) in order to discern the degree of identification with it.
To discover the characteristics of life in a lay community in order to discern one’s willingness to share life and faith with others.
To understand the functioning and organization of the Movement (Statutes) in order to discern one’s willingness to assume its organizational structure.
To understand the functioning and organization of the Movement (Statutes) in order to discern one’s willingness to assume its organizational structure.
Understanding the Claretian lay charism
Who is Claret?
Document for studying and meditating on the figure of Claret as an apostolic missionary. His life, his missionary spirit, and the legacy he left to the evangelizers who consider him their founder.
We are Lay People
Working document on the identity and vocation of lay people, specifically Claretian lay people.
Mission of the Claretian Lay Person
Document based on the Ideario of the Claretian Lay Person and the commentary by Fr. Vidales, presenting the Mission of the Claretian Lay Person and its preferred areas of action.
We are Claretians
Working document on the characteristics of Claretian identity among lay people and how to be apostolic missionaries in the secular world.
We are Christians
Document based on the Ideario of the Claretian Lay Person and the commentary on the Ideario by Fr. Vidales, presenting the Christian identity of the Claretian Lay Person: living as a child of God called to fraternity.
How a lay community lives
Spirituality of the Claretian Lay Person
Document on the spirituality of the CL as a response to the vocation under the action of the Spirit, delving into the content of the CL’s Ideario, particularly the section on spirituality: its characteristics, dimensions, and sources.
Community Services
Working document on charisms, community services, and the group project in a Claretian Lay Community, with references to the Ideario and statutes.
Sent to Evangelize
Document on mission and evangelization from the life of community, with references to the Ideario of Claretian Lay People.
Called to be One
Introduction to the call to community as Claretian Lay People: a place of following Jesus and a school of fraternity. With references to the Ideario and statutes. Includes work and reflection questions.
Being with Jesus
Document that delves into communal prayer and the search for God’s will in the community. With references to the Ideario of Claretian Lay People.
Understanding the movement
Video presentation testimony of the Movement
Video featuring testimonies of Claretian lay people from different parts of the world, inviting others to live in community.
MSC Structure and Organization
Document to understand the structure and organization of the Claretian Lay Movement. It consists of three sections: Normative sources of the movement (Statutes and Implementing Norms), basic aspects of the Movement’s organization to better understand the statutes and communication channels.
Community Project
Document on the importance of the group project within the community and a guide for its implementation.
MSC Worldwide
Brief document referring to the global distribution of the movement, with the number of communities and lay people present in different countries as of 2016.
Sharing of Goods
Manual of the payment procedure developed by the Economy Secretary in 2015, describing the principles of the community of goods in the movement, its foundations, and the means to carry it out.
Regulations for the community project and coordination team
Summary document of some internal regulations of the movement (statutes and implementing norms) related to the community project and the coordination team in a group of Claretian Lay People.
End of the journey: Scrutiny
Review of Goal 1: Our charism
Personal working document to review and delve into the goal of the Claretian Lay Person’s charism.
Brief meditation on vocation
Prayer meditation on vocation.
Request for incorporation into the MSC
Model personal request for incorporation into the Claretian Lay Movement.
Review of Goal 2: Life in the lay community
Personal and group working document to review and delve into the work done regarding the goal of life in the lay community.
Lectio Divina: Community around Jesus
Invitation to frequent use of Lectio Divina as a method of individual and communal prayer. Includes a Lectio Divina exercise.
Rite of Admission into the MSC
Script and model for the Rite of Admission into the Claretian Lay Movement.